Drenare & Sciupare

As a manufacturer of turnkey bathroom fixtures, Watersino enriches interiors with expertly designed, fashionable floor drains and basin drain. Our design-driven solutions enhance interiors while successfully eliminating clogs. Select a style from a wide variety or come up with a fresh drain design that represents your brand’s quality and innovation.





Drenare & Sciupare

Featured Drain Supplies

Various styles of shower drains and basin drains are available for sale to meet the diameter and size of your space.
  • Tutto
  • CE
  • cUPC
  • Filigrana
  • Senso dell'acqua
  • WRAS
  • Tutto
  • CE
  • cUPC
  • Filigrana
  • Senso dell'acqua
  • WRAS

Why Choose Watersino Shower Drain

Migliora il tuo business con la qualità e la funzionalità superiori di Watersino.

Efficient Drainage

In comparison to conventional techniques, magnetically secured shower drain covers or other components can offer a more secure and snug fit. This ensures effective drainage by preventing the drain cover from being accidentally moved or displacement.

Sleek Appearance

Drain covers that are magnetically fastened can look streamlined and seamless. The shower room still has a clean, uncluttered appearance because there are no visible screws or fasteners.

Resistant to Rust

Made from durable brasee and 304 acciaio inossidabile, it resists rust and corrosion, maintaining their functionality and appearance over time, even in damp environments.

Simple Cleaning

The floor drain quickly removes water, keeping the floor dry and simplifying cleaning and maintenance. Time and effort are saved by requiring less cleaning and drying.


Bring Your Ideal Shower Drain to Life

Watersino can help you custom shower drain that complies with your domestic rules and business criteria in order to satisfy your unique requirements, preferenze, o estetica del design.

Floor Drain Types

According to the interior style and space of shower you need.
Linear Drain
In the shower area, linear drains are normally built along one side of the wall or floor and have an extended shape, which are appropriate for larger shower spaces because of their design, which enables faster and more effective water drainage.
Center Drain
As a typical traditional drainage method, center drains, which can be square or round in design, are typically positioned near the center of the shower space. Adaptable for a variety of shower sizes and décor styles, simple to construct and install.
Tile Insert Drain
With tile insert drains, tiles can be seamlessly and flushly inserted into the drain. The drain is hardly undetectable once tiles are installed. They go well with contemporary interior design trends that prioritize a seamless aesthetic.


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    *Tutte le tue informazioni sono rispettate & protetto a Watersino.