
As a innnovative bathtub faucet manufacturers, Watersino designs bathtub faucet for easy reach, our faucets ensure effortless control and comfort during your bathing experience. Choose from a variety of styles and finishes to match bathroom decor and elevate bathing space for your clients.






Why Choose Watersino Bathtub Faucet

Steigern Sie Ihr Geschäft mit der hervorragenden Qualität und Funktionalität von Watersino.

Stylish and Aesthetic Appeal

A wide range of styles, Entwürfe, und endet, allowing you to choose one that complements your bathroom decor. Whether you prefer a classic, modern, or contemporary look, a well-chosen bathtub faucet can enhance the overall aesthetics of your bathroom.

Water Temperature Control

A bathtub faucet allows precise control over the water temperature, ensuring a comfortable and enjoyable bathing experience. You can easily adjust the hot and cold water mix to your desired temperature without any guesswork.

Water Flow Control

In addition to temperature control, faucets may have buttons or handles to adjust the water flow rate. These controls enable users to increase or decrease the intensity of water coming out of the faucet.

Easy Installation and Maintenance

Kommen Sie mit klaren Anweisungen und unkomplizierten Installationsprozessen. Zusätzlich, Die routinemäßige Wartung ist normalerweise einfach, Dies umfasst eine regelmäßige Reinigung und gelegentliche Kontrollen auf Lecks oder Tropfen.


Bring Your Ideal Bathtub Faucet to Life

Um Ihre spezifischen Anforderungen zu erfüllen, Vorlieben, oder Designästhetik, Watersino kann Ihnen dabei helfen, einen maßgeschneiderten Duschhahn zu erstellen, der Ihren häuslichen Vorschriften und Ihrem Unternehmen entspricht.

Bathtub Faucet Types

Based on interior style of bathroom and water flow of bathtub you need.
Deck-Mount Tub Faucet
Also called Roman tub faucet. This type of faucet is installed on the deck or rim of the bathtub. It typically features two handles, one for controlling hot water and the other for cold water. Deck-mount faucets can come in various styles, such as traditional, modern, or transitional designs.
Wall-Mount Tub Faucet
Wall-mount faucets are attached to the wall above the bathtub. They can save space and provide a sleek, minimalist look. Wall-mount tub faucets often have a single handle for controlling both water flow and temperature.
Floor-Mount Tub Faucet
Freestanding tub faucets are designed for standalone tubs that do not have any pre-drilled faucet holes. They are floor-mounted and provide a stylish, contemporary look. Freestanding tub faucets can have various handle configurations, including single-handle or dual-handle options.

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